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Customer Features

Customers can view their order history and order statuses
Customers can maintain their accounts
They can view and change account information like address,password etc.
Addressbook for multiple shipping and billing addresses
Cuatomer can maintain more than one addresses for shippping and billing. They can also modify addresses.
Temporary shopping cart for guests and permanent shopping cart for customers
In guest shopping cart items will be deleted after he close the browser. If customer logs in, then shopping cart item will be persisted untill he buy it or delete from cart
Fast and friendly quick search and advanced search features
Product reviews for an interactive shopping experience
Customers can read other's reviews as well they can post review.
Forseen checkout procedure
It can be configured to allow or not the customer to checkout if there is insufficient stock.
Secure transactions with SSL SSL can be cofigured for secure transaction.
Number of products in each category can be shown or hidden
Though product information in database,it can be shown or hidden to customers.
Global and per-category bestseller lists
Customeres can subscribe newsletters Including store news, new products, special offers, and other promotional announcements
Customers can Track and redeem gift certificates.
This is the another way of payment
Product notification
The product notification list allows customers to stay up to date on products they find of interest
Customers can track shipping status of orders
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